−8/平成9年度第1号(No.146) 目次
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■巻頭言 新生FAPIGの発足にあたって…………………………………………………(2) 第一原子力産業グループ会長 中里良彦 ■海外事情 中国の原子力事情………………………………………………………………(3) 福島笙之介 ロシア旅行記……………………………………………………………………(10) 井出 朗 ■紹 介 環境放射線モニタリングシステム……………………………………………(19) 三保谷英一/ 皆越 敦/ 佐藤弘志 ■論 文 核融合炉の熱流動安全性試験…………………………………………………(25) 藤井貞夫/ 柴崎博昌/ 高瀬和之/ 刀資彰 高温超電体を用いた800kVA変圧器の開発……………………………………(32) 岩熊成卓/ 今野雅行 ■グループ情報 FAPIGの機構……………………………………………………………………(37) ■Preface At a Start of the New FAPIG……………………………………………(2) Yoshihiko Nakazato ■Overseas Information The Progress of China Nuclear Energy Program……………………(3) S.Fukushima Impression of Recent Russia……………………………………………(10) A.Ide ■Introduction Environmental Radiation Monitoring System………………………(19) E.Mihoya / A.Minagoshi / H.Sato ■Paper Thermofluid Experiments for Fusion Reactor Safety……………(25) S.Fujii / H.Shibazaki / K.Takase / T.Kunugi Development of a 800kVA Transformer Using High Temperature Superconductors………(32) M.Iwakuma / M.Konno ●Shonosuke Fukushima The Progress of China's Nuclear Energy Program FAPIG No. 146 pp. 3〜9 (1997) I stationed in Beijing China from April 18, 1993 to October 23, 1996 as a manager of Energy Dept. NisshoIwai Beijing Office. I saw dynamically changing China under "Socialist Market Economy, Reform and Openning Policy" with my own eyes. And I watched rapid and great increase of Energy demand in China and the countermeasure of Chinese government carefully. I introduce Chinaユs Nuclear energy which is not a main part of Chinese energy structure bu a important part. KEYWORDS : Nuclear Energy, China, CNNC, Nuclear Power Station ●Akira Ide Impression of Recent Russia FAPIG No.146 pp.10〜18 (1997) In April 1997, Fuji joined the GT-MHR project organized by General Atomics of US and MINATOM (Russian Federation Ministry for Atomic Energy). In this project, a conceptual design of a gas turbine powered modular high temperature reactor aimed, together, to burn the weapon grade plutonium is now underway. A member from Fuji, officially for the first time, participated the related working group meetings held between 6 to 20 of April in Russia. This paper describes an impression of Russia watched by the author during the meetings. ●Eiichi Mihoya, Atsushi Minagoshi, Hiroshi Sato Environmental Radiation Monitoring System FAPIG No. 146 pp. 19〜24 (1997) Around the nuclear power station, the monitoring-posts are built for measuring the environmental gamma ray. Environmental gamma ray is mesured by the ionization chamber and the NaI (Tr r) scintillation detecter, continuously. The mesured data are sent to the central monitoring panel and the data processing system through data transmission device. This report describes merits of environmental radiation monitoring system constructed by Fuji electric Co.ltd. KEYWORDS : the ionization chamber, the NaI (Tr) scintillation detecter, the data processing system data transmission device. ●Sadao Fujii, Hiroaki Shibazaki, Kazuyuki Takase, Tomoaki Kunugi Thermofluid Experiments for Fusion Reactor Safety (Visualization of Exchange Flows through Breaches of a Vacuum Vessel in a Fusion Reactor under the LOVA Condition) FAPIG No.146 pp. 25〜31 (1997) Exchange flow rates through breaches of a vacuum vessel in a fusion reactor under the LOVA (Loss of VAcuum event) conditions were measured quantitatively by using a preliminary LOVA apparatus and exchange flow patterns over the breach were visualized qualitatively by smoke. Velocity distributions in the exchange flows were predicted from the observed flow patterns by using the correlation method in the flow visualization procedures. Mean velocities calculated from the predicted velocity distributions at the outside of the breach were in good agreement with the LOVA experimental results when the exchange flow velocities were low. It was found that the present flow visualization and the image processing system might be an useful procedure to evaluate the exchange flow rates. KEYWORDS: fusion reactor, safety, experiment, loss of vacuum event, exchange flow, velocity distribution, flow visualization, correlation method ●Masataka Iwakuma, Masayuki Konno Development of a 800kVA Transformer Using High Temperature Superconductors FAPIG No. 146 pp. 32〜36 (1997) We have designed and constructed a 800kVA-class superconducting transformer operated in subcooled nitrogen. The transformer has windings using oxide superconductors of Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tapes which are operated at liquid nitrogen temperature. The primary and secondary windings are cooled by liquid nitrogen or subcooled nitrogen. The transformer was steadily excited at the rated condition of 500kVA in liquid nitrogen of 77K. It was furthermore operated in subcooled nitrogen at 66K without quenching, this is equivalent to 800kVA. Measured copper loss in both windings are very low. The efficiency at 77K and 66K is estimated as 99.1% and 99.3%, respectively. KEYWORDS : high temperature superconductor, superconducting transformer, subcooled nitrogen, oxide superconductor, Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tape, copper loss |
号数 |
発行年月 |
1997/ 3 |
1996/11 |
1996/ 7 |
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