誌 最新号目次1997−11/平成9年度 第2号
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■ 巻頭言 原子力と国際貢献 (3) 第一原子力産業グループ副会長 緒方謙二郎 ■ 報 告 冷却水診断システム「パルスアナライザ」 (4) 藤野芳郎 / 安原義晴 YAGレーザによる遠隔自動切断装置の試作・試験 (8) 清水明夫 / 細田 博 廃タイヤ焼却発電設備 (12) 穴澤泰裕 / 和田 学 / 小嶋敏夫 / 佐藤芳紀 / 畑中直樹 / 河鰭敏幸 ■ 紹 介 個人線量管理システム (17) 青山 敬 / 田辺健一 / 大木 靖 ■ 論 文 ABWRプラントK7号機RCCVの構造性能確認試験(SIT) (24) 土屋義正 / 南波 茂 / 竹内洋一郎 / 長谷川歳恭 モジュール型HTRを用いた天然ガスからのオンサイト式メタノール製造プラント (31) 高田英治 / 大橋一孝 / 早川 均 核融合動力炉DREAM炉の概念設計−炉本体構造と遠隔保守− (35) 西尾 敏 / 関 泰 / 植田脩三 / 栗原良一安達潤一 / 山崎誠一郎 / 橋本俊行 ■ グループ情報FAPIGの機構 (44) ■ Preface Nuclear Energy and International Contribution (3) Kenjiro Ogata ■ Report Cooling Water Diagnosis System Puls Analyzer (4) Y. Fujino / Y. Yasuhara Test of Remote Control Cutting Equipment by Nd : YAG Laser (8) A. Shimizu / H. Hosoda Waste Tire Incinerating Power Plant (12) Y. Anazawa / M. Wada / T. Kojima / Y. Sato / N. Hatanaka / T. Kawabata ■ Introduction Personnel Dose Control System (17) K. Aoyama / K. Tanabe / Y. Ooki ■ Paper ABWR plant RCCV Structural Integrity Test at K7 (24) Y. Tsuchiya / S. Nanba / Y. Takeuchi / T. Hasegawa On-Site Methanol Production Plant from Natural Gas with Modular HTR (31) E. Takada / K. Ohashi / H. Hayakawa Conceptual Design of Nuclear Fusion Power Reactor DREAM −Reactor Structures and Remote Maintenance− (35) S. Nishio / Y. Seki / S. Ueda / R. Kurihara J. Adachi / S. Yamazaki / T. Hashimoto ●Yoshiro Fujino, Yoshiharu Yasuhara Cooling Water Diagnosis System Puls Analyzer FAPIG No. 147 pp. 4~7 (1997) Operating efficiency of cooling water system has been used to estimate from limited data which obtained by analysis of fouling tendency and corrosion rate of specific samples. Pulse Analyzer is a computerized on-line cooling water diagnosis system that successively monitors the levels of corrosion and heat transfer resistance. Pulse analyzer provide more reliable evaluation of the cooling water system, because it can closely model operating conditions in a plants critical heat exchanger. KEYWORDS : cooling water, corrosion, fouling factor, diagnosis system ●Akio Shimizu, Hiroshi Hosoda Test of Remote Control Cutting Equipment by Nd : YAG Laser FAPIG No. 147 pp. 8~11 (1997) Technology of remote controlled cutting and reduction of generative secondary products have been reguired to the cutting system for decommissioning neclear equipments. At a point of view that leser cutting technology by use of a Nd:YAG leser is effective, we have developed the leser cutting machine and carried out cutting tests for several stainless steel plates. This report is discribed the result of experiment by test equipment, about element technology of remote controlled cutting neclear equipments. KEYWORDS : Nd : YAG, laser, decommissioning, remote control, laser cutting. ●Yasuhiro Anazawa, Manabu Wada, Toshio Kojima, Yoshinori Sato, Naoki Hatanaka, Toshiyuki Kawabata Waste Tire Incinerating Power Plant FAPIG No. 147 pp. 12~16 (1997) Ebara has recently set up a waste tire incineration plant at the Tochigi Plant of Bridgestone Corporation. Consequently, this plant is now capable of not only treating waste tires and industrial waste, but also capable of power generation (4950kW) using such waste as fuel. This plant functions as an emergency power generation plant when there is a power failure at the plant. Non-combustibles and flyash from the treatment are reused as materials for steel and cement manufacturing. Ebara has thus established a non-precedented technology in the world for incinerating waste tires, a feat considered extremely difficult. This technology features the application of an internally circulating fluidized-bed boiler (ICFB), in which waste tires are incinerated, as well as high-efficiency energy and resource recovery. Ebara's waste tire incinerating power plant is an extremely reliable system for treating various industrial wastes. KEYWORDS : Waste tire, Industrial waste, Fluidized-bed Incinerator, Power plant, Reuse of energy, Reuse of resources, Non-combustibles, Steel wire ●Kei Aoyama, Kenichi Tanabe, Yasushi Ooki Personnel Dose Control System FAPIG No. 147 pp. 17~23 (1997) Fuji Electric developed a personnel dose control system intended to upgrade exposure monitoring task, and delivered it to TOKAI/TOKAI-II POWER STATION, THE JAPAN ATOMIC POWER CO. this October and TSURUGA POWER STATION this December. This system allows carry-in of electric dosimeters alone instead of various personal dosimeters for working in a controlled area. Besides, worker's burden can be widely reduced through shortening of communication time with entrance/exit control gate, etc.. Also, the data processing computer incorporates the end user computing function for supporting non-rountine tasks. So, tabulation from saving data can be made in a desired format that meets application. Thus, the system has an enhanced flexibility. This paper introduces the main functions and features of the recently developed personnel dose control system. KEYWORDS : ・a personnel dose control system ・electric dosimeter ・end user computing ●Yoshimasa Tsuchiya, Shigeru Nanba, Youichiro Takeuchi, Toshiyasu Hasegawa ABWR plant RCCV Structural Integrity Test at K7 FAPIG No. 147 pp. 24~30 (1997) Structural integrity test (SIT) of Reinforced Concrete Containment Vessel (RCCV) at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Unit No.7 was carried out on July, 1996. SIT is to test the integrity of the RCCV by measuring its structural behavior.Items are visible damage, surface cracks, displacement and temperature. Visible damages and surface crack are examined by eyesight and no visible damages is detected and crack development according to the increase of the pressure hardly observed. Displacement measurement locations are selected based on four equally spaced azimuths and three levels of top, middle and bottom approximately equally spaced. The points adjacent to large opening are added into total amount to 51 points. Invar wire and rods are used to measure displacements and the accuracy of those devices are also presented. The relationships between pressure and displacement showed linearity and residual displacement is sufficiently small, thus the RCCV can be said in the elastic range at the test pressure. From the comparison of measured displacement with the analytical one, we can conclude that elastic structural analysis can sufficiently simulate its behavior. Based on all these observations structural integrity of RCCV at K7 was verified at design pressure. KEYWORDS : Advanced Boiling Water Reactor, Reinforced Concrete Containment Vessel (RCCV), Structural integrity test (SIT), three dimensional finite element analysis method ●Eiji Takada, Kazutaka Ohashi, Hitoshi Hayakawa On-Site Methanol Production Plant from Natural Gas with Modular HTR FAPIG No.147 pp. 31~34 (1997) The consumption of natural gas has been increasing year by year due to its relatively low level of CO2 emissions and low cost. All of the natural gas consumed in Japan is imported from foreign countries in the form of liquid natural gas (LNG). Therefore, liquefaction, transportation and storage equipment costs are large. On the other hand, handling methanol is as easy as handling oil. If a plant for producing methanol from natural gas is sited near a natural gas field, transportation and storage costs are expected to be significantly lower than such costs for LNG production. From the above viewpoint, the concept of an on-site methanol production plant with a modular HTR (High Temperature Reactor) was studied. KEYWORDS : methanol production system, natural gas, liquid natural gas, modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor, carbon dioxide emission ●Satoshi Nishio, Yasushi Seki, Shuzo Ueda, Ryoichi Kurihara, Junichi Adachi, Seiichiro Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Hashimoto Conceptual Design of Nuclear Fusion Power Reactor DREAM −Reactor Structures and Remote Maintenance− FAPIG No. 147 pp. 35~43 (1997) Nuclear fusion reactors are required to be able to compete another energy sources in economy, reliability, safety and environmental integrity for commercial use. In the DREAM (DRastically EAsy Maintenance) reactor, a very low activated material of SiC/SiC composite has been introduced for the structural material, a reactor configuration for very easy maintenance and the helium gas of a high temperature for the cooling system, and hence DREAM has been proven to be very attractively as the commercial power reactor due to the high availability and efficiency of the plant and minimization of radioactive wastes. KEYWORDS : nuclear energy, fusion reactor, nuclear power station, remote maintenance, commercial reactor, tokamak reactor, low activation material |
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発行年月 |
1997/ 8 |
1997/ 3 |
1996/11 |
1996/ 7 |