FAPIG誌 最新号目次
1999−3/平成10年度 第3号
■ 海外事情
ヨーロッパの原子力政策 (3) 幡野高史 ■ 紹 介 環境線量計システム (9) 小林裕信 / 柴田鉄生 最近の新しい架空送電線用電線 (14) 柳沢健史 / 吉田 覚 多品種廃棄物混焼設備 (20) 岡本晃靖 / 肥後 勉 / 大島俊治 六ヶ所再処理施設AB建屋における情報化施工の現状 (24) 高見昌博 / 阿津地武宏 / 関口健治 ■ 論 文 高速炉高温機器に対する欠陥評価法の開発 (35) 島川貴司 / 高橋由紀夫 / 三浦直樹 / 中山康成 / 沢井達明 / 遠矢裕二 ■ グループ情報 FAPIG第141〜150号総目次 (42) FAPIGの機構 (52) 表紙デザイン:矢辺博子 CONTENTS ■ Overseas Information European Nuclear Policy (3) T. Hatano ■ Introduction The Environment Dosemeter System (9) H. Kobayashi / T. Shibata New Conductors for Overhead Transmission Lines developed in late years (14) T. Yanagisawa / S. Yoshida Multiple Waste Co-combusting Fluidized-bed Incineration System (20) T. Okamoto / T. Higo / S. Ohshima Computer Integrated Construction at AB Building in Reprocessing Plant (24) M. Takami / T. Azuchi / K. Sekiguchi ■ Paper Development of Flaw Assessment Methodology for Elevated Temperature Components of FBR Plants (35) T. Shimakawa / Y. Takahashi / N. Miura Y. Nakayama / T. Sawai / Y. Tooya Cover Design:Hiroko Yabe SYNOPSES ●Takafumi Hatano European Nuclear Policy FAPIG No. 151 pp. 3〜8 (1999) European nuclear policy has been a メhotモ topic since the German red-green coalition government announced the phase-out of nuclear power plants in Germany. And the ban on reprocessing of German spent nuclear fuels caused political conflict between Germany and France, and also between Germany and the United Kingdom. Simultaneously, European countries are facing at one free electricity market spread all over European Union members. The role of Nuclear energy has already been important in Europe as a major energy source for the time being and it is preferable environmentally from a point of view of CO2 emission. But the position is unstable now...Does nuclear power keep its role in 21st centuries in Europe? European nuclear situation is described on this paper from a political and economical point of view. KEYWORDS : European Union (EU), German and French nuclear policy, phase-out of nuclear energy, liberalization of electricity market, price difference, dilemma of nuclear energy ●Hironobu Kobayashi, Tetsuo Shibata The Environment Dosemeter System FAPIG No. 151 pp. 9〜13 (1999) Fuji Electric co., Ltd. developed the electronic environmental dosemeter and the data processing system which had many useful functions and labor-saving performance for the environmental monitoring in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant. Electronic environmental dosemeter can operate for more than one year with Lithium alkali battery. The results of dose measured by the electronic environmental dosemeter can be collected instantly at the measuring point by using the portable data acquisition terminal. Moreover, the data collected in the data acquisition terminal are transmitted in the personal computer, and can be treated easily. We describe the features and functions of the electronic environmental dosemeter and the data processing system in this paper. KEYWORDS : electronic environmental dosemeter, nuclear power plant ●Takeshi Yanagisawa, Satoru Yoshida New Conductors for Overhead Transmission Lines developed in late years FAPIG No. 151 pp. 14〜19 (1999) The overhead transmission lines have continuously upgraded in voltage and enlarged in capacity, to meet an increase of demands of electric power and a requirement of an improvement on power supply reliability, which are brought by a development and an expansion on both of social and economical systems. Main subjects on the conductors for lines in late years are to enlarge capacity of secondary lines, to reduce influence which extra high voltage and large scale lines bring on their environments and to improve reliability of lines under severe weather conditions. This paper introduces the high ampacity conductor, the environment harmonious conductors and the snow resisitant conductor developed to meet the above subjects. KEYWORDS : overhead transmission line, large ampacity conductor environment harmo-nious conductor, snow resisitant conductor ●Teruyasu Okamoto, Tsutomu Higo, Shunji Ohshima Multiple Waste Co-combusting Fluidized-bed Incineration System FAPIG No. 151 pp. 20〜23 (1999) Ebaraユs multiple waste, co-combusting fluidized-bed incineration system is capable of stable combustion at uniform temperature, enabled by thorough mixing of the fluidized bed by a TIF circulation-flow type fluidized-bed incinerator, regardless of fluctuations in the calorific valued of the waste. The incinerator and gas cooling chamber are located side by side, thus realizing an integrated setup by which balanced incineration of multiple waste is done in one incinerator. Stable incineration is enabled for a mixture of various waste, including highly calorific resin, sludge and waste liquids. Auxiliary fuel is therefore unnecessary. A bag house is used for dust collection. This plant is in operation since November 1995 and excellent feedback is reported. KEYWORDS : fluidized-bed, incinerator, co-combustion, multiple waste, calorific value, fluctuation, solid waste, sludge, waste liquid ●Masahiro Takami, Takehiro Azuchi, Kenji SekiguchiTakashi Shimakawa, Yukio Takahashi, Naoki Miura, Yasunari Nakayama, Tatsuaki Sawai, Yuuji Tooya Development of Flaw Assessment Methodology for Elevated Temperature Components of FBR Plants FAPIG No. 151 pp. 35〜41 (1999) Fracture mechanics is applicable for the safety assessment of FBR component if a crack is assumed to exist. Inelastic response should be taken into account due to high temperature operation of FBR components. However, methodology for the application of inelastic fracture mechanics has not been established sufficiently. CRIEPI has been conducted research projects to develop a flaw assessment guideline for FBR components. This guideline consists of evaluation methods for creep-fatigue crack propagation, ductile fracture and sodium leak rate. The summary of evaluation methods on creep-fatigue crack and ductile fracture is presented in this paper. KEYWORDS : FBR, flaw assessment, fracture mechanics, creep-fatigue, ductile fracture Computer Integrated Construction at AB Building in Reprocessing Plant FAPIG No. 151 pp. 24〜34 (1999) ●JNFL (Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited) is now proceeding with construction of the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Rokkasho Village in Aomori Prefecture, which is coming near to the busiest period of construction. Now we are trying to complete the civil work of AB Building and KA Building in a very short construction term by applying CIC (Computer Integrated Construction) concept, in spite of its hard construction conditions,such as the massive and complicated building structure, interferences with M&E (Mechanical and Electrical) work, severe winter weather, remote site location, etc. The key technologies of CIC are three-dimensional CAD, information network, and prefabrication and mechanization of site work. KEYWORDS : reprocessing plant, CIC (computer integrated construction), three-dimensional CAD, information network, prefabrication and mechanization of site work |
号数 |
発行年月 |
150 | 1998/ 11 |
149 | 1998/ 7 |
148 | 1998/ 3 |
147 | 1997/11 |
146 | 1997/ 8 |
145 | 1997/ 3 |
144 | 1996/11 |
143 | 1996/ 7 |