FAPIG誌 最新号目次
1999−11/平成11年度 第2号
目 次 ■ 報 告 原子力発電所における分散型総合放射線管理システム (3) 三保谷英一 / 明石倫雄 福井県原子力環境情報ネットワークシステム (10) 三澤 真 ■ 紹 介 配管信頼性実証試験 (15) 渡辺哲郎 / 五十嵐実 原子力発電所原子炉建物の非線形解析について (20) 甲斐芳郎 環境調和型電線「エコエース」の開発 (28) 鈴木智行 / 大屋紳午 / 前田義弘 ■ グループ情報 FAPIGにおける原子力PA活動について (35) 第一原子力産業グループ事務局 FAPIGの機構 (41) 表紙デザイン:中村加奈女 CONTENTS ■ Report Distributing Radiation Management System of Nuclear Power Plants (3) E. Mihoya / M. Akashi Nuclear Power Environment Information Network System in Fukui Prefecture (10) M. Misawa ■ Introduction Wide Range Piping Integrity Demonstration (15) T. Watanabe / M. Igarashi Nonlinear Analysis of the Nuclear Power Plant Reactor Building (20) Y. Kai Development of Environment-Friendly Cable Eco-Ace (28) T. Suzuki / S. Ooya / Y. Maeda ■ FAPIG Activities FAPIG's Activities for Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy (35) Cover Design:Kaname Nakamura SYNOPSES Eiichi Mihoya, Michio Akashi Distributing Radiation Management System of Nuclear Power Plants FAPIG No. 153 pp. 3〜9 (1999) The importance of radiation management for unclear facilities including nuclear power plants has increased as the general public understanding has progressed, and necessary information for management must be processed exactly and quickly. In unclear power plants, radiation management is performed by each individual operation, and collected information is managed by the system of each operation. The distributing radiation management system has been developed aiming to use a general-purpose LAN and make quick and efficient use of information managed by individual operations. This paper describes the system configuration and functions. KEYWORDS:radiation management, nuclear power plantMakoto Misawa Nuclear Power Environment Information Network System in Fukui Prefecture FAPIG No. 153 pp.10〜14 (1999) The nuclear power environmental information network system was developed for the nuclear power plants of Fukui prefecture to further assure environmental safety and improve public relations. This system collests information such as radiation data and generator output data that supplied by the operators of the nuclear power plants. Some adjustment applied for this system in 1996, 1998. KEYWORDS:public relations, radiation data, environment, nuclear power plant Tetsuo Watanabe, Minoru Igarashi Wide Range Piping Integrity Demonstration FAPIG No. 153 pp. 15〜19 (1999) Since TMI-2 accident in 1979 and the Chernobyl accident in 1986, evaluation of the safety margin of the LWRs’(light water reactors) design at the severe accident has become important. The objective of WIND (Wide Range Piping Integrity Demonstration) Project is to evaluate the integrity of piping in the primary cooling system. Two kinds of tests are conducted in WIND project. One is aerosol behavior test and the other is piping integrity test. The test has been carried out by JAERI (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute) since 1993. KEYWORDS : severe accident, Wide Range Piping Integrity Demonstration, aerosol behavior test, piping integrity test Yoshiro Kai Nonlinear Analysis of the Nuclear Power Plant Reactor Building FAPIG No. 153 pp. 20〜27 (1999) #IIn the structural design of the nuclear reactor building, the linear analysis takes the main role. To achieve the more rational and economic structural design, non-linear analysis tool is needed. Shimizu corporation has been developing a new element called Macro Shell Element to fulfill this demand. The macro shell element utilizes the restoring force characteristics of the shear wall obtained from the structural experiment. The macro shell element can model the complicated figure and the load combination. With the simulation analyses of the existing tests, the macro shell element shows the good agreement to the test results. With this analysis tool, adequate 3-D non-linear analysis of the nuclear reactor building under various loads can be done. KEYWORDS: nuclear reactor building, 3-D non-linear analysis, rational structural design, economic structural design, Macro Shell Element, model of complicated figure, model of various loads, simulation analyses of the existing tests, restoring force characteristics of the shear wall Tomoyuki Suzuki, Shingo Ooya, Yoshihiro Maeda Development of Environment-Friendly Cable Eco-Ace FAPIG No. 153 pp. 28〜34 (1999) Recently concerns over global environmental issues are mounting worldwide with increasing serious environmental phenomenon such as global warming, ozone layer depletion and environmental pollution. The Furukawa Electric CO., LTD. shall incorporate consideration of environmental preservation issues into every phase of corporate activity following Furukawa Electric Basic Environmental Policy . Conventional cables sheathed in materials that contain halogens release large volume of corrosive and toxic gases and generate so much smoke. Eco-Ace is the cables covered with low environmental impact materials that doesnユt contain harm materials such as halogens, heavy metal, endocrine disrupter chemicals and so on. In this paper, development of environment-friendly cable Eco-Ace will be reported. KEYWORDS : environmental issues, global warming, ozone layer depletion, environmental pollution, halogen, smoke, low environmental impact material, harm materials, heavy metal, endocrine disrupter chemical, environment-friendly cable |
号数 |
発行年月 |
152 | 1999/ 7 |
151 | 1999/ 3 |
150 | 1998/ 11 |
149 | 1998/ 7 |
148 | 1998/ 3 |
147 | 1997/11 |
146 | 1997/ 8 |
145 | 1997/ 3 |
144 | 1996/11 |
143 | 1996/ 7 |