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–Ú@@ŽŸ ¡ •ñ@@ ¡ Ð@@‰î ¡ ƒOƒ‹[ƒvî•ñ œ Fresh Informationi“ú¤Šâˆäj (22) •\Ž†ƒfƒUƒCƒ“F–x“àG˜a CONTENTS ¡ Overseas Information ¡ Report ¡ Introduction œ Fresh Information (NISSHO IWAI) (22) Cover DesignFHidekazu Horiuchi
SYNOPSES The neutron shield plug installed into the horizontal port of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) vacuum vessel is a heavy component, which mainly consists of stainless steel and cooling water. It has a typical size of 2.3m~1.9m~3.6m, and its weight is assumed to be around 40tons. Development of the remote handling system of the port plug is a key technology for ITER port maintenance because high positioning accuracy is required in spite of narrow handling space. In order to overcome this problem, design and manufacturing of a 1/2.5-scaled mockup of the handling machine has been performed. KEYWORDSFITER, remote handling, maintenance Following the recently growing demands for the network, the modification
of Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) to super speed
network have been reviewed in the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
(JNC). KEYWORDSFsuper speed network, local area network, wide area network, japan nuclear cycle development institute, running cost Hiroshi Ozaki, Tetsuji Yoshimura, Minoru Akatsu, Toshihiko Oka, Masashi
Nomura Development schedule of Manipulator type fuel handling machine for
Demonstration FBR plant have been completed in FY'2000 successfully.
This type of fuel handling machine is a hopeful concept for commercial
FBR plant because of its good economical feature, so this machine was
adopted Demonstration FBR. Takemitsu Kodama, Chiaki Tomizuka Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC) has been carrying out
the verification test of remote dismantling technology for reactor,
aiming to perform safely, surely and efficiently the decommissioning
of commercial nuclear plants. KEYWORDSFNUPEC (Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation), reactor, decommissioning, remote dismantling, remote dismantling machine, verification test, commercial nuclear plants Hiroshi Ishii, Nobuyori Bessho A total of eight wind turbine power generators (750kW, NM 750 models)
have been installed by Ebara at the Akita Araya Wind Farm, Akita Prefecture.
This wind farm, which had previously been equipped with two other wind
turbine generators (400kW, NM 400 models), also by Ebara, has now a
total power generation capacity of 6800kW. KEYWORDSFwind farm, wind turbine generating system, wind turbine generator, clean energy, new energy, NEGMicon |
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