FAPIG誌 最新号目次
2001−3/平成12年度 第3号(No.157)
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FAPIG ■ 報 告 ■ 紹 介 ■ グループ情報 FAPIGの機構 (51) ● Fresh Information(日商岩井,清水建設) (27, 35) 表紙デザイン:中村加奈女 CONTENTS ■ Overseas Information ■ Report ■ Introduction ■ FAPIG Activities ● Fresh Information (NISSHO IWAI, SHIMIZU) (27, 35) Cover Design:Kaname Nakamura
Mitsuhiko Nohmi Techniques of Radioactive waste treatment continues to make advances in year by year. First of all we would explain the new plant constructed by Studsvik of America in Tenn. U.S.A. This plant consist of pylolysis and hydro-reforming process. These combination technique are capable for incineration and decompose the inflamable material such as ion-exchange resin. ZWILAG is the central control facility of Radioactive wastes in Switzerland. This facility has wastes storage halls and incineration plant which operated by plasma torch. This system is the first plant in the world. Radon Science Research Center of Russia has been developed many kinds of technique in radwaste treatment. Powdered metal fuel is very unique material for incineration of ionexchange resin. Magnetic stirrer is applied for cement solidification. Ebara designed special equipment for nuclear accident such as movable radioactive measurement car and radioactive liquid waste treatment installed on car are explained. KEYWORDS:radioactive waste, THOR process, ZWILAG, high-level waste, Ionexchange-resin, cement-solidification, powdered-fuel, Emergency equipment (radioactive measurement car and Radioactive liquid treatment) Akira Takagi, Shunji Mori, Junichi Takaya This paper presents a mobile robot system for inspection of the floor condition. The positioning system can identify the location and the orientation of the robot with one circular mark that is hung on the ceiling. The location and the orientation of the robot can be identified by one image taken by a CCD camera that is installed on the top of the robot. When an error between the current position and the desired one is found, the robot can eliminate the error quickly with omnidirectional wheel mechanisms. Caster shape wheels are used for the omnidirectional mobile base of the robot. KEYWORDS:mobile robot, inspection robot, positioning system, location
identification, Masayuki Kawai, Minoru Yokoyama, Fumihiko Oda, Hidehito Koike, Masaaki
Sobajima, Keiji Noumaru, Hidenori Miura, The middle infra-red free electron laser (MIR-FEL) device using an RFGUN and an accelerating tube was developed newly to establish the infra-red free electron laser research center of Science University of Tokyo (FEL-SUT). The FEL experiments using the device were started in January, 2000. First lasing was observed on July 6, 2000. In this report, we report the constitution of the device and the status of the conditioning operation. KEYWORDS:MIR-FEL, RFGUN, accelerating tube, FEL-SUT, first lasing, conditioning operation |
号数 |
発行年月 |
156 | 2000/11 |
155 | 2000/8 |
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1999/ 7
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1999/ 3
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1998/ 7
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