No.156 目 次
■ 報 告
使用済制御棒用アブレイシブウォータジェット切断装置の開発 (3)
臼井伸一 / 小宮俊博
■ 紹 介
環境放射線モニタリングシステム (10)
三保谷英一 / 皆越 敦 / 大木 靖 / 鈴木敏和
研究メモから大量研究論文まで超高速検索,「フルサーチ瞬索シリーズ」ご紹介 (20)
■ 解 説
退職給付会計の導入と企業の対応 (28)
■ グループ情報
食品配送倉庫における現場コントロールシステム (35)
FAPIGの機構 (41)
● Fresh Information(富士通) (27)
■ Report
Development of Spent-Control Rod Cutting Equipment by Abrasive Water
Jet (3)
S. Usui / T. Komiya
■ Introduction
Environmental Radiation Monitoring System (10)
E. Mihoya / A. Minagoshi / Y. Ooki / T. Suzuki
Introduction to the Versatile Text-Retrieval System SHUNSAKU (20)
M. Matsuura
■ Commentary
Retirement Benefit Accounting-Its Introduction and Challenges (28)
N. Horie
■ FAPIG Activities
Control System on the Food Delivery Warehouse (35)
T. Yakushiji
● Fresh Information (FUJITSU) (27)
Cover Design:Kaname Nakamura
Shinichi Usui, Toshihiro Komiya
Development of Spent-Control Rod Cutting Equipment by Abrasive Water
FAPIG No. 156 pp. 3〜9 (2000)
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. developed the cutting apparatus for
spent-control rods and channel boxes, which utilized Abrasive Water
Jet, and delivered them to Japan Atomic Power Company, Ltd. An abrasive
water jet cutting is cutting method by abrasive ejecting with very high
pressurized water (300Mpa) and has merit not affecting to the objects
thermally. The cutting operation carries out remotely in underwater
and ejected abrasives are collected and reused in order to decrease
secondary wastes. The spent-control rods and channel boxes are divided
into two or three pieces and stored in the can in layers.
KEYWORDS:cutting apparatus, spent-control rods, channel box, abrasive
water jet, underwater cutting
Eiichi Mihoya, Atsushi Minagoshi, Yasushi Ooki, Toshikazu Suzuki
Environmental Radiation Monitoring System
FAPIG No. 156 pp. 10〜19 (2000)
Purposes, measuring and estimating methods, etc. for environmental
radiation monitoring are stipulated by Guideline for environmental radiation
monitoring and Guideline for environmental radiation monitoring at emergency.
By means of facilities and equipment based on the guidelines, the radiation
level in the environment around nuclear power stations is measured.
According to particular applications, a stationary, mobile or portable
monitoring system is used for determining the radiation level.
This paper describes the monitoring systems for environmental radiation
measurements manufactured and put on the market by Fuji Electric Co.,
KEYWORDS:environmental radiation monitoring, stationary monitoring,
monitoring , portable monitoring
Masataka Matsuura
Introduction to the Versatile Text-Retrieval System SHUNSAKU
FAPIG No. 156 pp. 20〜26 (2000)
SHUNSAKU is a general-purpose text retrieval system. The kernel of
it is a pattern match engine established by Ph.D. Arikawa (Kyushu University),
and the engine is named SIGMA.
A general text retrieval system needs an efficient computer and a big
memory size to make, to update, and to delete the index files.
However, SIGMA does not need any index file. Even if the given retrieva
condition word is plural when retrieving text, SIGMA makes only one
automaton. Next, SIGMA inspects all half bytes from the head of the
target text to the end.
SHINSAKU has succeeded to these structures. Therefore, registration,
the update, and the deletion of data are always freely possible.
In addition, SHUNSAKU adopts the text form with tag for the target
text to increase the advantage as the text retrieval system (The structure
is similar to the SGML/XML form).
On the other hand, SHUNSAKU has a high performance as it is possible
to retrieve it by 42MB/a second. (measurement value on computer of Pentium3
Since 1993, more than 5,500 SHUNSAKU systems have been used by various
usages. For instance, SHUNSAKU is used as a retrieval system of the
government notification, a nuclear power research thesis, CD-ROM viewer.
KEYWORDS:SHUNSAKU, text-retrieval, pattern-matching, index, automaton,
tagged-formed format, sgml, xml, notice, thesis, CD-ROM viewer
Naoko Horie
Retirement Benefit Accounting-Its Introduction and Challenges
FAPIG No. 156 pp. 28〜34 (2000)
Retirement benefit accounting will be introduced in Japan from the
fiscal year starting April 1, 2000. Under the new accounting method,
the total payment sum of lump-sum retirement benefits and corporate
pensions (contributory funded defined benefit pension plans and tax-qualified
pensions, etc.) are treated collectively as benefit obligations. The
amount after deducting externally accumulated pension assets from benefit
obligations will be accounted for as accrued retirement benefits under
the liabilities column of the balance sheet. Matters regarding corporate
retirement benefits, which were not provided in financial statements
in the
past, will be disclosed under a uniform standard at footnotes on retirement
KEYWORDS:retirement benefit accounting, lump-sum retirement benefits,
corporate pensions, contributory funded defined benefit pension plans,
tax-qualified pensions, benefit obligations, externally accumulated
pension assets, accrued retirement benefits
Toru Yakushiji
Control System on the Food Delivery Warehouse
FAPIG No. 156 pp. 35〜40 (2000)
In operating the food delivery warehouse that performs number of various
kinds of commodities of in and out operation in a short lead time, it
is required performing in precise and effective operation, efficient
speed, and trace ability with the construction of 24 hours operating
system. Our company structed and introduced new control system at Chiba-Kita
Warehouse in this April with the conception performing the share of
information, the simplification of work and the promotion of productivity.
Our theme of this system plan is how we utilize our expertise and experience;
make most effective performance with safety in operating the food delivery
warehouse that is the typical type of labor-intensity.
KEYWORDS : effective operation, efficient speed, trace ability, share
of information, simplification of work, promotion of productivity