FAPIG誌 最新号目次
2003−3/平成14年度 第3号(No.163)
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目 次 常陽小特集 高速実験炉「常陽」燃料取扱設備の自動化 (3) ■ 報 告 ■ 紹 介 ■ グループ情報 ● Fresh Information(川崎重工) (24) 表紙デザイン:酒井美菜子 CONTENTS Automatic Operation of Fuel Handling System ■ Report ■ Introduction ● Fresh Information (KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES) (24) Cover Design:Minako Sakai
SYNOPSES Morio Fujisawa, Yukimichi Takahashi, Kazuhiko Nitta, Norikazu Ohara,
Kouichi Tanaka, Yasushi Arai, Hideaki Itoh, Toshiaki Suzuki, Yasuaki
Kaito, Ritsuho Shirinashihama, Norikazu Kuchiki In order to practical utilization of the fast breeder reactor and development of technology to recycle nuclear fuel, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute is executing the plan to advance the fast experimental reactor "JOYO"(MK-III plan). Under MK-III plan, Fuji Electric Co. completed the manufacture of a new type fuel handling machine, the electric motorization of a fuel canning machine and the centralized automation of running of all fuel handling equipment with computers. These are able to shorten the fuel replacement period and the periodic inspection period through introducing shift scheme. KEYWORDS:fast breeder reactor, JOYO, MK-III, fuel handling equipment , fuel handling machine , fuel canning machine, centralized automation of running, computers, shortening fuel replacement period, shift scheme Makoto Izaki, Tomio Suzuki, Toshihiko Oka, Kouji Satou, Ryou Konno,
Syusaku Furuno, Shigeki Yokoyama In the higher performance plan (MK-III
plan) of the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO, fuel handling system has
been renovated to remote control system to reduce refueling time. KEYWORDS:new fuel transfer machine, fuel handling system, remote and automatic control system, fast reactor JOYO Kouichi Takahashi, Hideaki Itoh, Ritsuho Shirinashihama Reducing the refueling time is one of major item for MK-3 in order
to improve irradiation capability of the experimental fast reactor JOYO.
The fuel handling system was improved with using automatic control system
from planning to execution for this aim. KEYWORDS:planning system, process control system, move history management
system We have constructed simultaneously four buildings, AB building, DB
building, DC building, and KA building in the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing
plant at Rokkasyo village in Aomori. KEYWORDS:reprocessing plant, massive and complicated building, method of prefabrication of site work, severe winter season Masaru Kojima, Kenichi Kurokawa, Kentarou Fujita, Naoki Ishikawa In 2002, the Diet recognized the ratification plan of Kyoto Protocol
to prevent the global warming and Japan obliges to reduce 6% reduction
of the greenhouse effect gases compared to the level on 1990 and so,
the contribution to the global environment is strongly required by the
introduction of the new energy systems. KEYWORDS:the 3rd session of the conference of the parties to the united nations framework convention on climate change, Kyoto protocal, photovoltaic power generation system, solar cell, solar module, dendritic web crystal growth, institute for global environmental strategies, solar louver, monocrystal silicon Osamu Kimura, Yoshitaka Nimura, Tomokazu Furuhata According to the various laws and guidelines, the radiation control
is strictly managed in facilities handling radioactive materials such
as nuclear power plants. KEYWORDS:radiation monitoring, monitoring post, gamma ray, NaI-scintillation detector, ionization detector |
号数 |
発行年月 |
162 | 2002/11 |
161 | 2002/ 7 |
160 | 2002/ 3 |
159 | 2001/11 |
158 | 2001/ 7 |
157 | 2001/ 3 |
156 | 2000/11 |
155 | 2000/ 8 |
154 |
153 |