目 次
■ 報 告
金属ドロスの充てん固型化技術の開発 ( 3 )
村上知行 / 遠藤茂樹 / 白川正広 / 石倉 武 / 大西一彦
放水口放射線モニタシステム (11)
山内英嗣 / 井戸川和夫
木質系バイオマスによる小規模分散型高効率ガス化発電システムの開発 (16)
松本俊一 / 渡辺達也
■ 紹 介
新放射線監視データ伝送処理装置の開発 (22)
鈴木信太郎 / 高橋康一 / 菅波 潤 / 河合俊明
■ 随 筆
中山道一人旅(その3) 〜木曽路を歩く〜 (36)
■ グループ情報
FAPIGにおける原子力PA活動について (28)
FAPIGの機構 (45)
■ Report
Verification Tests for Decommissioning Waste Processing System
Metal Recycling Technique/Dross-Filled Waste Packaging Technique (3)
T. Murakami / S. Endo / M. Shirakawa / T. Ishikura / K. Ohnishi
Outlet Port Radiation Monitoring System (11)
H. Yamauchi / K. Idogawa
Development of Small-Scale Distributed Power Generation System
Utilizing Woody Biomass Gasification Technology (16)
T. Matsumoto / T. Watanabe
■ Introduction
Development of the New Data Transmission
and Processing Equipment for Radiation Surveillance (22)
S. Suzuki / K. Takahashi / J. Suganami / T. Kawai
■ Essay
Sentiment of Solitary Journey on Nakasendo
− Hike Through Kisoji − (36)
M. Yoneda
■ FAPIG Activities
FAPIG's Activities for Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy (28)
T. Mizoguchi
Cover Design:Yoshiaki Uesugi
Tomoyuki Murakami, Shigeki Endo, Masahiro Shirakawa, Takeshi Ishikura,
Kazuhiko Ohnishi
Verification Tests for Decommissioning Waste Processing System
Metal Recycling Technique/Dross-Filled Waste Packaging Technique
FAPIG No. 167 pp.3〜10 (2004)
The decommissioning construction of the Tokai nuclear power plant has
been advanced since December, 2001. Nuclear Power Engineering Cooperation
(NUPEC) has developed techniques of concrete and metal recycling for
decommissioning waste for the purpose that the volume reduction of radioactive
waste is advanced safely and economically. The metal dross classified
as relatively height LLW is generated from thermal cutting of nuclear
reactor structural materials.
In order to verify the method which the metal dross could be used for
as a material of the waste packaging, tests using an actual scale device
was carried out as a part for the NUPEC's verification tests. It became
clear that the dross-filled waste packaging technique could contribute
to the decrease of the waste volume from this waste packaging test result.
KEYWORDS:decommissioning, radioactive waste, recycling, metal dross,
volume reduction, waste packaging technique, verification tests
Hideshi Yamauchi, Kazuo Idogawa
Outlet Port Radiation Monitoring System
FAPIG No. 167 pp.11〜15 (2004)
Nuclear power plants and related facilities adopt radiation control
management based on the State, laws, regulation and related standards.
Our Outlet Port Radiation Monitoring System in nuclear power plants
enables to continuously count gamma ray rate in BG level, and save it
as data that can be utilized for informations of radiation level in
cooling water released from a nuclear power plant.
We are now developping the Outlet Port Radiation Monitoring System collaborating
with Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd, and installing in Unit from No.1
to No.6 of the first Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant sequentially.
The summary of this system is described as below.
KEYWORDS:radiation monitoring, outlet port, nuclear power plant, NaI
(Tl) scintilation detector, backgroud radiation, sampling-pipe
Toshiichi Matsumoto, Tatsuya Watanabe
Development of Small-Scale Distributed Power Generation System
Utilizing Woody Biomass Gasification Technology
FAPIG No. 167 pp.16〜21 (2004)
Biomass is well known as the versatile energy resource with non-fossil
fuel, and it can be utilized by direct burning, and/or be converted
into gaseous or liquid fuels in response to use purpose.
Woody biomass especially features large amount in nature, less emission
of NOx, SOx in combustion, and since the biomass absorbs and fixes CO2
in the atmosphere at the time of growth, it is clean energy which does
not break down CO2 balance.
This paper reports an outline of technology for utilizing woody biomass
energy at Northern Europe, and a development of small-scale distributed
power generation system utilizing woody biomass gasification technology
at Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
KEYWORDS:woody biomass, small-scale power generation system, gasification
Shintaro Suzuki, Kouichi Takahashi, Jun Suganami, Toshiaki Kawai
Development of the New Data Transmission
and Processing Equipment for Radiation Surveillance
FAPIG No. 167 pp.22〜27 (2004)
In the Mito Atomic Energy Office, which belongs to Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, as part of an environmental
safety measures of the nuclear institutions in Ibaraki area, the regular
surveillance of the environmental monitoring data measured in Japan
Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) and Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute (JAERI) which are main facilities in Oarai and Tokai area
is performed.
For the purpose of strengthening environmental radiation surveillance
in the fiscal year 2003, the data transmission and processing equipment
for radiation surveillance is updated, and the new equipment is actually
operated from March, 2004.
In this paper, the features and functions of the new data transmission
and processing equipment are introduced.
KEYWORDS:radiation surveillance, environmental monitoring data, Mito
Atomic Energy Office