FAPIG誌 最新号目次
2005−3/平成16年度 第3号(No.169)
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目 次 ■ 報 告 ■ 紹 介 ■ 論 文 ■ 随 筆 ■ グループ情報 表紙デザイン:上杉義昭 CONTENTS ■ Report ■ Introduction ■ Paper ■ Essay Cover Design:Yoshiaki Uesugi SYNOPSES Masao Tamada, Noriaki Seko, Noboru Kasai, Takao Shimizu Braid adsorbent having functional group of amidoxime is a promising material for the recovery of uranium dissolved in the seawater. This braid adsorbent was made by polyethylene multi-fibers in which amidoxime groups were introduced by radiation-induced graft polymerization and subsequent chemical treatment. Reaction time for graft polymerization was 5h and the resulted braid adsorbent had 2.8mmol/g-adsorbent of amidoxime group. The braid adsorbent obtained was moored at the offing of Okinawa Island. The adsorption of uranium reached 1.5g/kg-adsorbent for 30d soaking. The mooring system for braid adsorbent has possibility which reduces the cost for the recovery of uranium from seawater. It is shown that 134km2 of mooring area is needed for annual product of 1200 tons of uranium. In addition, there is 6000km2 and more of suitable sea area for the collection of the uranium in the regions from Okinawa Islands to Tosa Bay in Japan. KEYWORDS:recovery of uranium, seawater, braid adsorbent, amidoxime, graft polymerization, marine experiment, uranium adsorption, mooring system, sea area Nobumasa Tsuji, Taiju Shibata, Junya Sumita, Masahiro Ishihara, Tatsuo
Iyoku High temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor (HTGR) with higher outlet coolant temperature nearly 1000℃ is expected for utilization of hydrogen production. The thermal analysis with 3 dimensional, flow paths coupled model was conducted to demonstrate how strictly PSR block gaps must be closed to limit core bypass flow rate ratio lest fuel temperature should be remained in admissible level, and the highly heat resistant core restraint mechanism must be developed in consequence. Potential applicability of the core restraint mechanism made of C/C composite, the attractive candidate material, was demonstrated by point design with adequate thickness and FEM stress analysis for material with orthotropic anisotropy. KEYWORDS:HTGR, core restraint mechanism, C/C composite, core bypass flow Daisuke Sadahiro, Hiroshi Shibamoto, Hideaki Nagashima, Naoto Kasahara,
Kazuhiko Inoue This paper describes an evaluation method of primary stress in 3-D
structures. In "Design by Analysis" for nuclear components,
the stresses in structures are classified into the primary and the secondary
stresses. The primary stress in axisymmetric structures can be evaluated
by linealization of stress distribution in the specified section, but
it is difficult to define the evaluation section in the 3-D structures,
and to evaluate the primary stress with the conventional procedure.
From this reason, the alternative evaluation method is needed. KEYWORDS:nuclear components, primary stress, stress classification, stress redistribution Hitoshi Kumagai The authors have developed "structural health monitoring system" comprised of sensing, data processing, and diagnosis subsystems, for building and civil infrastructure. In this paper, application of this SHM system to the actual buildings with vibration suppression system and base isolation system are introduced. Internet-based data processing and analysis system is also successfully utilized in these buildings. KEYWORDS:structural health monitoring, fiber optic sensing, internet based system Hitoshi Abekawa, Yoshikazu Suzuki In Fujitsu, we have been developing, and providing the facilities management
systems for a quarter of century. KEYWORDS:the facilities management systems, for a quarter of century, the BACnet protocol, the LonWorks Toshinori Tanabe The cost of coal fueled energy production is twice the cost of long-term nuclear power generation. The direct reason for this is the soaring price of coal, which has reached a height not attained in a quarter of a century. Like crude oil in countries such as China, it is expected to be short in supply and short in demand for some time coming. While many look to the development of new energy mechanisms such as solar energy panels and wind turbines, the increase in extreme weather brought about by changes in the global climate sheds doubt on the effectiveness of these methods. In the 21st century, as we witness great changes in our global environment and energy utilization, the advantages of nuclear power generation in terms of costs, global warming measures, and resource conservation are being increasingly recognized. Now is the time to capitalize on these advantages. Responsible explanations about the safety of nuclear power are needed in order to restore the peopleユs trust in this resource. Meanwhile, we should push forward with those projects that have clearly demonstrated their safe utilization of nuclear reactor technologies. KEYWORDS:Japan nuclear power, global warming, industrial reform policy |
号数 |
発行年月 |
168 | 2004/11 |
167 | 2004/ 7 |
166 | 2004/ 3 |
165 | 2003/11 |
164 | 2003/ 7 |
163 | 2003/ 3 |
162 | 2002/11 |
161 | 2002/ 7 |
160 | 2002/ 3 |
159 | 2001/11 |