FAPIG誌 最新号目次

2019−1/平成30年度 第1号(No.195)


目  次

■ 紹  介
−イオン交換樹脂によるクラッド除去性能の向上−( 3 )

放射能土壌分別装置 ( 8 )
中島定雄 / 池田泰啓 / 土田 充 / 馬場直紀
3D 計測を用いた設計・製作 (13)
武仲五月 / 佐藤康士 / 米本臣吾

■ グループ情報
フランス人の歴史認識について (17)

FAPIGの機構 (22)




■ Introduction
Improvement of the Performances of Condensate Demineralizers in Nuclear Power Plants (3)
Improvement of Crud Removal Performance by Ion Exchange Resins ( 3 )
T. Izumi
The Radioactive Soil Sorting Equipment ( 8 )
S. Nakashima / Y. Ikeda / M. Tsuchida / N. Baba
Design and Manufacturing with 3-dimension Measurement Tool (13)
S. Takenaka / K. Sato / S. Yonemoto

■ FAPIG Activity
French Perspectives on the History (17)
S. Ishiguro

Cover Design:Toshiyuki Shimamura



Takeshi Izumi
Improvement of the Performances of Condensate Demineralizers in Nuclear Power Plants (3)
Improvement of Crud Removal Performance by Ion Exchange Resins
FAPIG No. 195 pp. 3 to 7 (2018)

In nuclear power plants, it is needed to keep the water quality of reactors or steam generators extremely clean from the viewpoints of the reduction of the radiation exposure and maintenance of the reliability of plant materials. In order to meet these requirements, the role of the condensate demineralizers and the ion exchange resins are very important. Furthermore, the requirements of water quality have been upgrading compared to them in 1970's
In these 4 reports, the performances and these improvements of condensate demineralizers and ion exchange resins are introduced. On this third report, the crud removal performance by ion exchange resins and its improvement are reported.

KEYWORDS:ion exchange resins, condensate demineralizers, crud removal, water retention capacity, surface area

Sadao Nakashima, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Mitsuru Tsuchida, Naoki Baba
The Radioactive Soil Sorting Equipment.
FAPIG No. 195 pp. 8 to 12 (2018)

In the process of restoring the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.) accident in the Great East Japan Earthquake, a large amount of soil, grass, trees, branches, mud in gutter and other wastes are temporarily stored in Fukushima Prefecture as a result of decontamination activities. In order to safely and intensively manage and store the mentioned soil until final disposal, it is required, when they are received, to safely sort a large amount of them into type I (8000 Bq/kg or less) and type II (above 8000 Bq/kg) depending on the radioactivity concentration.
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and Shimizu Corporation have jointly developed the radioactive soil sorting equipment using the continuous batch system. In this paper, therefore, we introduce its main specifications and performance.

KEYWORDS:Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident, final disposal, radioactive soil sorting equipment, continuous batch system

Satsuki Takenaka, Koji Sato, Shingo Yonemoto
Design and Manufacturing with 3-dimension Measurement Tool
FAPIG No. 195 pp. 13 to 16 (2018)

Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) is progressing labor-saving for plant construction by using 3D modelling and 3D measurement tools. This report introduces how 3D modelling and measurement tools are able to be used in each process of plant construction from designing to test operation and shows the prospect for future construction.








194 2018/ 2
193 2017/ 7
192 2017/ 2
190 2015/ 7
189 2015/ 2
188 2014/ 9
187 2014/ 2
186 2013/ 7
185 2013/ 2
184 2012/ 7