FAPIG誌 最新号目次

2013−2/平成24年度 第2号(No.185)


目  次

■ 報  告
高温ガス炉技術国際会議HTR2012に参加して ( 3 )
中野正明 / 大橋一孝 / 岡本太志
ICONE20&ASME POWER2012に参加して ( 9 )
小澤達也 / 武仲五月 / 平田慎吾 / 金子哲也

■ 紹  介
環境放射線モニタリング設備の震災対策 (13)
前川 修 / 江波戸輝雄
JMTRにおけるSCC照射試験のための照射環境制御装置の設計・製作 (18)
松本武志 / 野本恭信 / 小崎和彦 / 鈴木富男
森 雄一郎 / 佐藤康士 / 岡田祐次 / 山浦高幸
スマートシティ実現に向けての需要家側の取り組み視点 (26)

■ 論  文
復水脱塩装置における有機性不純物低減技術の開発 (32)
出水丈志 / 出口達也

■ グループ情報
3.11後の原子力発電所に関する意識調査 -必要性及び安全性の意識の変化- (39)
FAPIGの機構 (47)




■ Report
Report of the 6th International Topical Meeting
on High Temperature Reactor Technology, HTR2012 ( 3 )
M. Nakano / K. Ohashi / F. Okamoto
Report of the ICONE20&ASME POWER2012 Conference ( 9 )
T. Ozawa / S. Takenaka / S. Hirata / T. Kaneko

■ Introduction
Seismic Countermeasures for Environmental Radiation Monitoring System (13)
O. Maekawa / T. Ebato
Design and Fabrication of Water Control Unit for SCC Irradiation Tests in JMTR (18)
T. Matsumoto / Y. Nomoto / K. Kosaki / T. Suzuki
Y. Mori / K. Satou / Y. Okada / T. Yamaura
The Viewpoint of the Consumerユs Efforts for the Realization of Smart City (26)
S. Ueno

■ Paper
Improvement of Leaching Characteristics of TOC from Condensate Demineralizers (32)
T. Izumi / T. Deguchi

■ FAPIG Activity
Opinion Survey for Nuclear Power Plant after 3.11
- Change of Opinion toward Necessity and Safety - (39)
T. Mizoguchi

Cover Design:Satomi Sugimoto



Masaaki Nakano, Kazutaka Ohashi, Futoshi Okamoto
Report of the 6th International Topical Meeting
on High Temperature Reactor Technology, HTR2012
FAPIG No. 185 pp.3 to 8 (2013)

The 6th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology, HTR2012 was held on October 28 - November 2 at Tokyo. This meeting is held every two years and people all over the world who are interested in HTGR participated in the meeting. At this time, the public forum as well as the keynote speech, the plenary sessions and the technical sessions are held. Fuji electric presented two technical speeches about recent R&D activities on core design and reactor internal design, and exhibited our activities towards the commercial HTGR. This report describes the summary of the meeting, HTR2012.

KEYWORDS:HTGR, high temperature gas-cooled reactor, HTR2012, international conference

Tatsuya Ozawa, Satsuki Takenaka, Shingo Hirata, Tetsuya Kaneko
Report of the ICONE20&ASME POWER2012 Conference
FAPIG No. 185 pp.9 to 12 (2013)

The ICONE20&ASME POWER2012 Conference was convened in Anaheim, California, from July 30 to August 3, 2012. In this international conference, as many as 50 companies prepared the booth, many sessions were held, and about 1000 persons participated. Kawasaki Heavy Industries prepared Booth and performed introduction of a product or technology.
The outline and impression of the meeting are described.


Osamu Maekawa, Teruo Ebato
Seismic Countermeasures for Environmental Radiation Monitoring System
FAPIG No. 185 pp.13 to 17 (2013)

Environmental radiation monitoring system continually measures and monitors the environmental radiation dose around nuclear facilities 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Fuji Electric provides the monitoring systems to public facilities such as nuclear power plants, nuclear research laboratories, and nuclear fuel reprocessing plants.
At the event of earthquake, to continuously measure and monitor the radiation, Fuji Electric has delivered multiplexing transmission system via wireless units, backup power supply system, and implemented seismic evaluation of equipment. Also, to take action toward emergency monitoring for post-earthquake situation, Fuji Electric developed light-weight power saving portable monitoring post applying semiconductor detector, and monitoring car equipped with the same function as stationary monitoring posts, as well as economical space-saving simplified monitoring posts. Here is a description of these systems.

KEYWORDS:Environmental radiation monitoring system, Seismic countermeasures

Takeshi Matsumoto, Yasunobu Nomoto, Kazuhiko Kosaki, Tomio Suzuki
Yuichiro Mori, Kouji Satou, Yuji Okada, Takayuki Yamaura
Design and Fabrication of Water Control Unit for SCC Irradiation Tests in JMTR
FAPIG No. 185 pp.18 to 25 (2013)

In extensive safety research of light-water reactor (LWR) fuels and materials under a contract with Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) plans irradiation tests of the LWR fuels and structure materials using Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). For the irradiation tests, water control units were designed to simulate the conditions of high temperature and high pressure water of BWR or PWR.
This paper describes the introduction about the water control units which were designed and installed in JMTR by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD., based on the order from JAEA.

KEYWORDS:LWR, BWR, PWR, JMTR, irradiation test, water control unit

Shin-ichi Ueno
The Viewpoint of the Consumerユs Efforts for the Realization of Smart City
FAPIG No. 185 pp.26 to 31 (2013)

Smart City aims to improve Quality of life, controlling on carbon dioxide emissions in energy use, transportation and so on by ICT.
It gives inhabitants more efficient information and communication network and energy use and low carbon society through the high quality services for them.
Consumers must change into a prosumers who produce energy, decide how to use energy and adjust supply and demand in Smart City.
It is important for consumers to address the following three things below for the realization of Smart city from the present moment;
・to have the independent consciousness about energy management
・to make devices which consumes energy the most efficient
・to disseminate how to use energy wisely without wasteful and uneven energy use
This article introduces energy management that changes consumers to prosumers, how to execute PDCA cycle about it and consulting examples utilizing them.

KEYWORDS:Smart City, Quality of life, Carbon dioxide emissions, ICT, Low carbon society, Prosumers, Efficiency, Energy management, PDCA cycle

Takeshi Izumi, Tatsuya Deguchi
Improvement of Leaching Characteristics of TOC from Condensate Demineralizers
FAPIG No. 185 pp.32 to 38 (2013)

Recent nuclear power plants require high purity water to protect nuclear reactors or steam generators from SCC and maintain in good condition. In this connection, it is especially important to minimize sulfate, which is a corrosive chemical originated from oxidative degradation of cation exchange resins during operation. Recently, uniform particle size (UPS) strong acid cation gel resin with 14% cross-linkage, which has excellent stability against oxidization, has been applied to several condensate purification systems.
For further improvement of water quality, some methods for changing the configuration of condensate demineralizerユs resin bed have been examined. For example, these methods correspond to cation over layer and so on. We have tested these methods by cold column tests.
Furthermore, we have developed the newly anion exchange resin having higher efficiency and capacity for absorbing leachables from cation exchange resins.

KEYWORDS:Ion exchange resins, condensate demineralizers, leachables, total organic carbons, cation over layer







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