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JT-60SA—pƒ_ƒCƒo[ƒ^ƒ^[ƒQƒbƒg‚̐»μ (28)
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FAPIG‚Μ‹@\ (32)
FAPIGƒMƒƒƒ‰ƒŠ[•εW (36)




‘ Domestic Information
Realities of Energy Management of Japanese Company, and Proposal of Maturity Model ( 3 )
K. Sato

‘ Commentary
Economic Outlook for 2014 ( 7 )
K. Miyazaki

‘ Introduction
Core Design for Commercial-size High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (13)
M. Nakano / Y. Tazawa / K. Ohashi / F. Okamoto
Establishment of the Remote Radiation Monitoring System in Environment for Local Municipalities (18)
T. Kawaguchi / H. Noushi / Y. Domeki / O. Maekawa
Production and Development of Incinerator System for the Great East Japan Disaster Waste (23)
R. Chishiro / S. Takenaka / K. Satoh
Manufacturing of Divertor target for JT-60SA (28)
H. Yamada / S. Sakurai / S. Nakamura

Cover DesignFSatomi Sugimoto



Ken Sato
Realities of Energy Management of Japanese Company, and Proposal of Maturity Model
FAPIG No. 187 pp.3 to 6 (2014)

Energy management is one of the most important agendas for business management.
Here we show the result of enterprise questionnaire and the maturity model of the energy management conducted JEITA (Japan Electronics and information Technology Industries Association).

KEYWORDSFenergy management, maturity model, ISO50001, EnPI, energy performance indicator

Masaaki Nakano, Yujiro Tazawa, Kazutaka Ohashi, Futoshi Okamoto Core
Design for Commercial-size High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
FAPIG No. 187 pp.13 to 17 (2014)

High temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR) have enhanced passive safety characteristics. Even if in the case of "station black out" where all electric power supplies are not available, HTGR can cool its decay heat from the core. In this paper, the core design and safety assessment are performed for commercial-size 600MWth prismatic type HTGR. Power density distributions in the core that are obtained with nuclear analyses are applied to temperature analyses in normal operation, and in the depressurization accident condition where no active cooling devices are assumed to work. In the results, the fuel temperature in the normal operation and the accident condition are satisfied its criteria respectively, that proves its superior safety feature without any active devices.

KEYWORDSFHTGR, core design, safety assessment, decay heat removal, passive safety

Tetsuaki Kawaguchi, Hideaki Noushi, Yukio Domeki, Osamu Maekawa Establishment of the Remote Radiation Monitoring System in Environment for Local Municipalities
FAPIG No. 187 pp.18 to 22 (2014)

The Remote Radiation Monitoring System in Environment is the system that provides the general public with measurement data of ambient dose at the boundaries of monitoring areas surrounding a nuclear facility. The data measured and monitored continuously for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is sent to key disaster- prevention facilities such as nuclear environmental monitoring facilities and off-site facilities administered by local municipalities, prefectural office and municipal office. Such dissemination of information enables local residents to obtain those data via websites, etc.
Fuji Electric has established the Remote Monitoring System in Environment that measures ambient dose in the entire area of Kagoshima prefecture. By multiplexing of satellite communication data transmission channel, ensuring backup power via emergency generator and multiplexing server system, the system is capable of responding to disasters, measuring continuously even at the time of large-scale disaster. Also, Fuji Electric has applied the latest IT technologies to the system. The following description includes installation of a large multiscreen LCD at disaster countermeasures office in the prefectural office, realization of outdoor monitoring task using a tablet type terminal device, and other technologies used for this system.Measurement

Ryo Chishiro, Satsuki Takenaka, Kouji Satoh
Production and Development of Incinerator
System for the Great East Japan Disaster Waste
FAPIG No. 187 pp.23 to 27 (2014)

The Great East Japanese earthquake and tsunami generated a great deal of disaster wastes in Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima prefecture, especially coast area.
In Miyagi and Iwate almost treatments of disaster wastes are currently about to be finished using some temporary incinerators.
On the other hand in Fukushima the wastes containing radioactive materials prevented treating in early-stage. Japanese government prepared the domestic law to support radioactive wastes treatment using incinerator. In 2014 they have the plan to install some incinerator within 20-km area and set out the treating operation.
Here we present our two incinerators installed in Miyagi and our R&D for treatment radioactive waste in Fukushima.

KEYWORDSFdisaster waste, incinerator, waste treatment

Hirokazu Yamada, Shinji Sakurai, Shigetoshi Nakamura
Manufacturing of Divertor target for JT-60SA
FAPIG No. 187 pp.28 to 31 (2014)

The activity of "Broader approach (BA)" is carried out under the Japan-EU collaboration towards the early realization of nuclear fusion energy, and the construction of JT-60SA (Super Advanced) has been started as a part of BA.
Divertor target of JT-60 consisted of carbon fiber composite tiles bolted on heat sink plate. Due to extension of plasma heating power and pulse duration, divertor target for JT-60SA has to be changed to the concept of carbon fiber block jointed to cooling tube of Cu-alloy for active cooling.
Brazing joint between the carbon block and cooling tube is easy to cause joint defect due to the difference in the coefficient of linear expansion of a material. The joint defect reduces heat removal performance of the target.
On the occasion of the apparatus manufacture concerned, the structural improvement resolved those problems.
This paper reports the contents of a structural improvement in the divertor target manufacturing for JT-60SA, etc.

KEYWORDSFPlasma facing component, Divertor, Brazing, CFC







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