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SYNOPSES Makoto Nakao, Jun-ichi Hori, Kentaro Ochiai, Naoyoshi Kubota, Satoshi
Sato, Michinori Yamauchi, Noriko Ishioka, Takeo Nishitani The IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility) is
in the design planning stage as neutron source to test fusion reactor
materials for high fluence neutron. KEYWORDSFInternational Fusion Material Irradiation Facility, TIARA facility, deuteron, cross section, activation Yasunobu Nomoto, Toshimasa Kuroda A solid breeder blanket was selected as the primary candidate blanket of the fusion power demonstration plant (DEMO plant) in Japan. Test blanket module (TBM) testing in ITER is the most important milestone for the development of the blanket of the DEMO plant. This paper presents a structural concept of solid breeder TBM cooled by pressurized water. The sub-module concept was adopted for this TBM to simulate the DEMO blanket structure and to endure the over-pressurization in case of the coolant ingress to box structure. Two sub-modules have multi-layer structure composed of ceramic breeder pebbles and neutron multiplier pebbles inside of box structure made of F82H. KEYWORDSFsolid breeder blanket, test blanket module, structural concept, sub-module concept Chiaki Tomizuka, Yutaka Takeuchi In a nuclear facility, the maintenance and repair activities must be done remotely in a radioactive environment. Fuji Electric Systems Co., Ltd. has developed a remote handling system based on 3-D recognition technique. The system recognizes the pose and position of the target to manipulate, and visualizes the scene with the target in 3-D, enabling an operator to handle it easily. This paper introduces the concept and the key features of this system. KEYWORDSFremote handling system, 3-D recognition technique Sadao Nakashima, Zenjirou Suzuki Exhaust air monitoring systems are implemented for monitoring and alarming
air-borne radioactive materials in exhaust gas from the plants. KEYWORDSFreprocessing plant, exhaust air monitoring Munehiko Ishimi Crimes using masquerading technique are increasing. Masqurerating is
to falsify the identity of the perpetrator. Secure authenication mechanism
is necessary to prevent those crimes. Bio, PKI, and smart card technologies
are becoming to be adopted in advanced business communities. KEYWORDSFcrime masquerade identity authenication bio PKI smart card passport |
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171 | 2005/11 |
170 | 2005/ 7 |
169 | 2005/ 3 |
168 | 2004/11 |
167 | 2004/ 7 |
166 | 2004/ 3 |
165 | 2003/11 |
164 | 2003/ 7 |
163 | 2003/ 3 |
162 | 2002/11 |