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CONTENTS ¡ Essay ¡ Report ¡ Introduction ¡ Paper ¡ FAPIG Activities Cover DesignFHidekazu Horiuchi
SYNOPSES Naoki Uchiyama The operation of Proto-type Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU has been suspended
since December 1995, due to the sodium leak accident at the secondary
cooling system. The construction work for sodium leak event is progressing
from September 2005, to solve the problems pointed out in the general
safety investigation of MONJU carried out after this accident. 90% of
the construction work was completed at the end of December 2006. The
confirmation test was already started from December 18, 2006. KEYWORDSFproto-type, FBR, fast breeder reactor, MONJU, sodium leak accident, construction work Satsuki Takenaka, Hideaki Kimura, Kiyoshi Tokieda, Tsuyoshi Hirahashi,
Seiichiro Yamazaki Tokai Power Station (TPS) of The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC)
started the commercial operation in 1966. JAPC is now dismantling by
themselves after the commercial operation stop in 1998. Kawasaki Plant
Systems, LTD (K Plant) took part in the construction of TPS and manufactured
and maintained its primary system including the heat exchangers (SRU).
And K-Plant had investigated the decommissioning methods with JAPC. KEYWORDSFnuclear power station, decommissioning, dismantling, steam raising unit Masaaki Nakano, Eiji Takada, Futoshi Okamoto High temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR) have superior potential for both electricity and hydrogen production due to the high outlet temperature. In this paper, present status of developments of HTGR are summarized for Japan, USA, China, South Africa, France and Korea. KEYWORDSFHTGR, HTR, GIF, VHTR Akira Takagi We, based on the joint study with Tohoku Electric Power Co., Ltd, developed
the device to detect wastage of pipe thorough heat insulation in Power
Plant, etc, even while the plant is under operation. KEYWORDSFwastage of pipe, detection thorough heat insulation, based on the trans-mission of radiation, safety of plants Takahiro Minami, Yoshio Suzuki, Tetsuo Aoyagi, Toshinori Ito, Norihiro
Nakajima The Center for Computational Science and E-systems of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (CCSE/JAEA) has started a program to construct an international computational infrastructure in atomic energy research field called the AEGIS (Atomic Energy Grid InfraStructure) in April, 2006. The development is based on numerous experiences and technologies acquired from the development of the STA (Seamless Thinking Aid) and the ITBL (Information Technology Based Laboratory) infrastructure software. In this paper, we will introduce two key achievements prior to the AEGIS program: ÒInteroperable system between UNICORE in Germany and ITBLÓ which achieves international sharing of computational resources, and the "STARPC Plus" which can construct a compact grid system. KEYWORDSFjapan atomic energy agency, computational infrastructure, atomic energy grid infrastructure, seamless thinking aid, information technology based laboratory, uniform interface to computing resources, interoperation, international sharing, computational resource, grid system Takeshi Izumi, Masahiro Hagiwara, Takashi Ohtsu, Masaharu Tsujita,
Masayuki Arai, Hirofumi Inagawa, Mitsuhiko Noumi In nuclear power plants, ion exchange resins are used at water purification
systems such as condensate demineralizers. After usage, used ion exchange
resins are stored at plants as low level radioactive wastes. Ion exchange
resins contain water and so, those are flame resistant materials. At
present, ion exchange resins are incinerated with other inflamable materials
at incinerators. Furthermore, ion exchange reisns are fine perticle
beads and are easy to be scattered in all directions, so operators must
pay attentions for treatment. KEYWORDSFnuclear power plants, ion exchange resins, radioactive wastes, incineration treatment, solidification |
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@ ”s”NŒŽ |
173 | 2006/ 7 |
172 | 2006/ 3 |
171 | 2005/11 |
170 | 2005/ 7 |
169 | 2005/ 3 |
168 | 2004/11 |
167 | 2004/ 7 |
166 | 2004/ 3 |
165 | 2003/11 |
164 | 2003/ 7 |