FAPIG誌 最新号目次

2008−2/平成19年度 第2号(No.176)


目  次

■ 解  説
2008年の経済展望 ( 3 )
岩本 洋

■ 紹  介
広エネルギーレンジX/γ線サーベイメータの開発 (10)
中島定雄 / 中村尚司 / 藪谷孝志 / 増井 馨 / 山村精仁
電磁波解析ソフトウェアを用いたノイズシミュレーション (15)
−環境を配慮したコンクリートの実現− (19)
木村 博 / 石川嘉崇 / 櫻井隆喜 / 坂詰義幸 / 井ノ上弘行

■ 論  文
高温ガス炉(GTHTR300C)における混合酸化物(MOX)燃料炉心の核設計 (30)
毛利智聡 / 國富一彦

■ 随  筆
善光寺街道一人旅 (37)

■ グループ情報
FAPIGの機構 (44)




■ Commentary
Economic Outlook for 2008 (3)
H. Iwamoto

■ Introduction
Development of Wide-Energy Range X/γ-Ray Survey-Meter (10)
S. Nakashima / T. Nakamura / T. Yabutani / K. Masui / S. Yamamura
Noise Simulation Using Electromagnetic Wave Analysis Software (15)
T. Namiki
Proposal on Recycling Method of Concrete Debris by Decommission of Power Station
−Realization of Concrete Minimizing Environmental Load− (19)
H. Kimura / Y. Ishikawa / T. Sakurai / Y. Sakazume / H. Inoue

■ Paper
Nuclear Design for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (GTHTR300C)
Using MOX Fuel (30)
T. Mouri / K. Kunitomi

■ Essay
Sentiment of Solitary Journey on Zenkoji-Kaidou (37)
M. Yoneda

Cover Design:Kaori Sakamoto



Sadao Nakashima, Takashi Nakamura, Takashi Yabutani, Kaoru Masui , Seini Yamamura
Development of Wide-Energy Range X/γ-Ray Survey-Meter
FAPIG No. 176 pp.10〜14 (2008)

The X-ray radiation produced from various X-ray generating machines for medical and industrial uses has energies between 8keV to 300keV and for monitoring environmental γ-rays around nuclear facilities, the energy range to be measured is generally from 50keV up to 1500keV.
We developed a wide-energy range X/γ-ray survey-meter covering this energy range of 8 keV to 1500keV by dividing the output pulse heights into two energy ranges, from 8 to 300keV for X-ray mode and from 50 to 1500keV for γ-ray mode, using a 12.7mm diameter by 12.7mm thick NaI(Tl) scintillator with thin aluminum window. The pulse amplitude of each detected signal was corrected with the energy compensation function, G-function, corresponding to the pulse amplitude, in order to realize good energy response of the detection sensitivity to ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), in the range of 8 keV to 1500keV. The G-function was obtained by the EGS-4 Monte Carlo calculation. The measurement range in dose rate of this survey-meter is from background level to about 60μハSv h-1 in X-ray mode and to about 600μハSv h-1 in γ-ray mode. The error of indication for dose rate is within 20% both for X-ray mode and γ-ray mode. The energy response is within 25% both for X-ray mode and γ-ray mode. This survey-meter will be a high-quality radiation instrument for radiation management in various facilities using X-ray generating machines and any radiological installations, and for environmental monitoring around nuclear facilities.

KEYWORDS:x /γ-ray survey-meter, wide energy range, g-function

Takefumi Namiki
Noise Simulation Using Electromagnetic Wave Analysis Software
FAPIG No. 176 pp.15〜18 (2008)

In recent years, in the field of electric manufacturing industries, it is indispensable to clear various noise problems caused by radiated electromagnetic waves, crosstalk of signals, and electrostatic discharge. It is becoming active to apply the electromagnetic wave simulation software to solve the noise problems, because it is effective for cost cutting and for shortening the development period.
To meet such needs, we have developed the application package Poynting for electromagnetic waves simulation, and market it. In this report, we explain the various functions of Poynting and introduce the numerical examples using Poynting.

KEYWORDS:electromagnetic wave, simulation, FDTD method, noise prevention, parallel computation

Takefumi Namiki
Noise Simulation Using Electromagnetic Wave Analysis Software
FAPIG No. 176 pp.15〜18 (2008)

In recent years, in the field of electric manufacturing industries, it is indispensable to clear various noise problems caused by radiated electromagnetic waves, crosstalk of signals, and electrostatic discharge. It is becoming active to apply the electromagnetic wave simulation software to solve the noise problems, because it is effective for cost cutting and for shortening the development period.
To meet such needs, we have developed the application package Poynting for electromagnetic waves simulation, and market it. In this report, we explain the various functions of Poynting and introduce the numerical examples using Poynting.

KEYWORDS:electromagnetic wave, simulation, FDTD method, noise prevention, parallel computation

Hiroshi Kimura, Yoshitaka Ishikawa, Takaki Sakurai, Yoshiyuki Sakazume, Hiroyuki Inoue
Proposal on Recycling Method of Concrete Debris by Decommission of Power Station
−Realization of Concrete Minimizing Environmental Load−
FAPIG No. 176 pp.19〜29 (2008)

Until now, most of the concrete debris produced by the demolition of concrete structures has been recycled as pavement materials. Recently, the examples which aggregate removed mortar from concrete debris perfectly are reused to new concrete are increasing. We propose new concrete recycle system that concrete debris is reused to concrete material as it is. This recycle system can reduce the amount of industrial waste and greenhouse gas emission. This report shows the application to concrete work and the ecological effect of the concrete produced in new recycle system.

KEYWORDS:demolished concrete debris, new recycle system, industrial waste, greenhouse gas emission

Tomoaki Mouri, Kazuhiko Kunitomi
Nuclear Design for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (GTHTR300C)
Using MOX Fuel
FAPIG No. 176 pp.30〜36 (2008)

A design study of the hydrogen cogeneration high temperature gas cooled reactor (GTHTR300C) that can produce both electricity and hydrogen has been carried out in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The GTHTR300C is the system with thermal power of 600MW and reactor outlet temperature of 950℃, which is expected to supply the hydrogen to fuel cell vehicles after 2020s. In future, the full deployment of fast reactor cycle without natural uranium will demand the use of Mixed-Oxide (MOX) fuels in the GTHTR300C. Therefore, a nuclear design was performed to confirm the feasibility of the reactor core using MOX fuels. The designed reactor core has high performance and meets safety requirements.
In this paper, the outline of the GTHTR300C and the nuclear design of the reactor core using MOX fuels are described.

KEYWORDS:GTHTR300C, cogeneration, hydrogen, fuel cell vehicle, mixed-oxide fuel, nuclear design







175 2007/ 7
174 2007/ 2
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172 2006/ 3
171 2005/11
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