FAPIG誌 最新号目次

2009−7/平成21年度 第1号(No.179)


目  次

■ 紹  介
「常陽」の炉容器内の観察・補修技術と炉容器内構造観察のための画像撮影装置の開発 ( 3 )
齊藤隆一 / 今泉和幸 / 岡  潔 / 相澤秀之 / 片桐源一
モニタリングポストの高信頼化 ( 9 )
固体廃棄物減容処理施設の概要と焼却溶融による減容処理システムについて (15)
大久保利行 / 原田 守 / 堂野前寧 / 佐藤康士 / 角田俊也 / 松本武志
遠隔操作機器の位置決め指示機構の開発 (21)
小澤達也 / 武仲五月 / 武馬啓祐 / 佐藤康士
緊急時迅速放射能影響予測(SPEEDI)ネットワークシステム (26)
三澤 真 / 永森文雄

■ 論  文
バイカル湖のメタンハイドレート層からのガス回収実験 (34)
西尾伸也 / 杉山博一 / 安部 透 / 荻迫栄治 / 小田原卓郎 / 八久保晶弘
山下 聡 / 南 尚嗣 / 庄子 仁 / 田中洋行 / 三田地利之
Oleg Khlystov / Mikhail Grachev
イオン交換フィルタによる粒状イオン交換樹脂溶出物の除去特性 (39)
出水丈志 / 萩原正弘 / 猪野隆夫 / 小松 誠 / 河津秀雄 / 藤原邦夫

■ グループ情報
FAPIGの機構 (43)




■ Introduction
Development of Inspection and Repair Techniques in Reactor Vessel
of the Experimental Fast Reactor“Joyo”and of Visual Inspection Device to Observe
in-Vessel Structures ( 3 )
T. Saito / K. Imaizumi / K. Oka / H. Aizawa / G. Katagiri
Environmental Radiation Monitoring System Reliability ( 9 )
M. Imai
Project of OWTF(Oarai Waste reduction Treatment Facility)in JAEA
and The Volume Reduction of The Waste by Incinerating and Melting Treatment (15)
T. Okubo / M. Harada / Y. Donomae / K. Satou / T. Kakuta / T. Matsumoto
Development of Approach Directing Facility for Remote Controlled Equipments (21)
T. Ozawa / S. Takenaka / K. Buma / K. Sato
System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency
Dose Information Network System (26)
M. Makoto / N. Fumio

■ Paper
Gas Recovery Test from Near-Surface Methane Hydrate in Lake Baikal (34)
S. Nishio / H. Sugiyama / T. Abe / E. Ogisako / T. Odahara
A. Hachikubo / S. Yamashita / H. Minami / H. Shoji / H. Tanaka
T. Mitachi / O. Khlystov / M. Grachev
Preparation of Anion Exchange Filters by Radiation-induced Graft Polymerization
and Their Removal Characteristics for Leachables from Cation Exchange Resins (39)
T. Izumi / M. Hagiwara / T. Ino / M. Komatsu / H. Kawazu / K. Fujiwara

Cover Design:Kyouichi Nagase



Takakazu Saito, Kazuyuki Imaizumi, Kiyoshi Oka, Hideyuki Aizawa, Gen-ichi Katagiri
Development of Inspection and Repair Techniques in Reactor Vessel
of the Experimental Fast Reactor “Joyo”and of Visual Inspection Device to Observe
in-Vessel Structures
FAPIG No. 179 pp.3〜8 (2009)

O-arai Research and Development Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed a reactor internal inspection device using a fiberscope and a camera as part of the development of reactor internal inspection and repair techniques for sodium-cooled fast reactor, and obtained findings about applicability of the device and inspection techniques through reactor internal inspection of “Joyo”
Latest research developments were presented at the spring and autumn annual meetings of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan in 2008.
The present paper describes about “the image photographic device for reactor vessel internal structure inspection” comprised in “Development of visual inspection device to observe in-vessel structures” presented in the above two meetings, together with the other related representations included in this series.

KEYWORDS:“Joyo”, sodium cooled fast reactor, inspection techniques, repair techniques, visual inspection

Mitsuhiro Imai
Environmental Radiation Monitoring System Reliability
FAPIG No. 179 pp.9〜14 (2009)

Fuji Electric Systems Co., Ltd supplies a lot of monitoring systems for continuous measurement and monitoring of environmental radiation around Nuclear power plants and facilities associated with them.
The environmental radiation monitoring systems introduced in this paper, which were supplied to Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. in December 2008, use backup power supply and satellite communication channel for data transmission in case of blackout, disconnection of transmission cable and trouble caused by earthquake.

KEYWORDS:environmental radiation monitoring system, backup power supply, satellite communication channel, earthquake

Toshiyuki Okubo, Mamoru Harada, Yasushi Donomae, Kouji Satou, Toshiya Kakuta, Takeshi Matsumoto
Project of OWTF (Oarai Waste reduction Treatment Facility) in JAEA
and The Volume Reduction of The Waste by Incinerating and Melting Treatment
FAPIG No. 179 pp.15〜20 (2009)

Oarai Waste reduction Treatment Facility (OWTF) will be constructed in Oarai Research and Development Center of JAEA. OWTF is the facility for carrying out the volume reduction processing of high dose α radioactive solid waste.
The volume reduction of the waste has been planned by incinerating and melting treatment. The feature of the waste reduction by incinerating and melting treatment is to use common high-frequency induction furnace. Combustible waste is incinerated in a metal cylinder heated by high-frequency induction heating. Non-combustible waste is melted in a ceramic canister. The similar sized mock-up test had already been demonstrated and confirmed the required performance.

KEYWORDS:OWTF, radioactive solid waste, volume reduction, incinerating and melting treatment, high-frequency induction furnace

Tatsuya Ozawa, Satsuki Takenaka, Keisuke Buma, Koji Sato
Development of Approach Directing Facility for Remote Controlled Equipments
FAPIG No. 179 pp.21〜25 (2009)

In the radioactive material handling plants like a nuclear power station, various works are performed in the cell for preventing contamination spread. For example, some remote controlled equipments would be used for removal and maintenance of a machine installed in the cell.
Approaching operation to the aim of the remote controlled equipments is done by the view through the shield windows or some TV cameras. It needs a veteran operator and makes long time working.
Thus, Kawasaki Plant Systems (K-Plant) developed Approach Directing Facility, which is constructed with laser beam launchers and TV cameras, for the purpose of fewer loads at the approaching operation.

KEYWORDS:cell, remote controlled equipment, approaching operation, approach directing facility

Misawa Makoto, Nagamori Fumio
System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information Network System
FAPIG No. 179 pp.26〜33 (2009)

The System for Prediction of Environmenta1 Emergency Dose lnformation (SPEEDI) Network System is a computer system capable of rapidly predicting the effect that radioactive materials will have on the surrounding environment if there is a massive release of radioactive materials from a nuclear facility. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology consigns the operation of the SPEEDI Network System to the Nuclear Safety Technology Center (NUSTEC). NUSTEC has developed the main functions of the SPEEDI Network System and Fujitsu provided continuous support with regards to the system construction, operation and maintenance, such as the introduction of servers and improvement of networks.
This paper describes the current status of the development and operation of the SPEEDI Network System and Fujitsuユs approach to supporting this system.

KEYWORDS:SPEEDI network system, radioactive materials, nuclear facility, nuclear safety technology center

Shin'ya Nishio, Hirokazu Sugiyama, Tohru Abe, Eiji Ogisako, Takuro Odahara, Akihiro Hachikubo, Satoshi Yamashita,
Hirotsugu Minami, Hitoshi Shoji, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Toshiyuki Mitachi, Oleg Khlystov, Mikhail Grachev
Gas Recovery Test from Near-Surface Methane Hydrate in Lake Baikal FAPIG No. 179 pp.34〜38 (2009)

In August 2008, we successfully demonstrated the recovery of methane gas from the bottom of Lake Baikal where the water depth was about 400m. A steel chamber with a diameter of 1.2m and equipped with 32 water jet nozzles was used for gas recovery. We attempted to recover methane hydrate by dissolving it in water and pumping it up. The water jets were installed to excavate the sediments and dissolve methane hydrate in water. According to the measurements of the volume composition and the isotopic composition of recovery gas, the recovered hydrocarbon gas originates from the methane hydrate layer. This system can be effectively used for gas recovery from near-surface methane hydrate.

KEYWORDS:methane gas recovery test, near-surface methane hydrate, Lake Baikal, chamber, water jet

Takeshi Izumi, Masahiro Hagiwara, Takao Ino, Makoto Komatsu, Hideo Kawazu, Kunio Fujiwara
Preparation of Anion Exchange Filters by Radiation-induced Graft Polymerization
and Their Removal Characteristics for Leachables from Cation Exchange Resins
FAPIG No. 179 pp.39〜42 (2009)

Mixed bed of ion exchange resins are installed at the primary loop in steam power plants and at the use points in semiconductor plants in order to remove ion impurities and make the ultrapure water. Recently, required water quality becomes higher and higher and so, the leachables from the cation exchange resins are identified as a main source of impurities. We have been developing the anion exchange fiber filers (AEF) that were synthesized from polyethylene (PE) non-woven fabric by using radiation-induced graft polymerization (RIGP). The removal characteristics of these filters for leachables from cation exchange resins (HCR-W2, ETR-C3) was investigated. Some fiber filters remove leachables more efficiently than anion exchange resin (550A). In particular, AEF that has finest fiber diameter shows 74% of removal efficiency for the leachables from HCR-W2. It suggests that larger surface area of the filter contributes to the adsorption rate for leachables.

KEYWORDS:anion exchange fiber filers, radiation-induced graft polymerization, leachables, cation exchange resins







178 2009/ 2
177 2008/ 7
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