FAPIG誌 最新号目次
2010−2/平成21年度 第2号(No.180)
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目 次 ■ 解 説 ■ 紹 介 ■ グループ情報 ● Fresh Information(富士電機システムズ) (21) 表紙デザイン:永瀬恭一
CONTENTS ■ Commentary ■ Introduction ■ FAPIG Activities ● Fresh Information (FUJI ELECTRIC SYSTEMS) (21) Cover Design:Kyouichi Nagase
SYNOPSES Daisuke Inui, Tomoya Nunomiya, Osamu Hatakeyama, Akihito Hora, Takeshi
Ishikura Three types of radiation survey meter going on sale by Fuji Electric Co. recently are introduced in this article. Neutron survey meter has been reduced the weight down to a quarter due to development of mixed organic gas detector without moderator. Wide energy range survey meter has been made possible to measure X-ray which energy is 8keV or more by using a thinned window of the detector and G function. Semiconductor survey meter, for surface contamination measurement of alpha and beta rays, has reduced in size and weight and it's uniformity of detection efficiency has improved by using silicon semiconductor sensors instead of a previous model. KEYWORDS:survey meter, neutron survey meter, light weight neutron survey meter, wide energy range survey meter, g- function, contamination survey meter, silicon semiconductor sensor, efficiency Masayuki Konnno Fuji Electric has maintained the facility of 6.9kV metal-clad switchgear at Tokai-? Power Station, through periodic inspections since the first operation. Responding to the fact that the maintenance parts of the circuit breaker are becoming exhaustive, we developed two types of vacuum circuit breakers in order to promote the replace for minimal oil circuit breakers (TCB). This paper presents the development process and outline of the retrofitting VCB. KEYWORDS:vacuum circuit breaker, VCB, metal-clad switchgear, TCB Hideo Ise, Jin Ogiyanagi, Jinichi Nakamura, Hideo Sasajima, Akira Takasa, Refurbishment of Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) is conducted in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in order to solve irradiation rerated issues for safe long-term operation of current light water reactors (LWRs) and development of advanced LWRs. JMTR will restart its operation in FY 2011. Manufacturing and installation of the irradiation test facilities on safety research of fuels and materials are also in progress. The outline of the fuels and materials irradiation test plan is described in this report. KEYWORDS:light water reactor, nuclear fuels, nuclear materials, fracture toughness, stress corrosion cracking, irradiation technology, JMTR Hiromitsu Kiyose, Eiichi Kuribayashi, Hideki Hasegawa Small hydropower is renewable energy that generates power from unexplored
hydraulic energy, and does not discharge carbon dioxide. KEYWORDS:compact construction, water-lubricated bearing, no noise, vibration Makoto Terauchi, Jo Masai, Shintaro Suzuki Prototype fast breeder reactor in Japan Atomic Energy Agency "MONJU", the aim of strengthening the safety and reliability of maintenance management, maintenance management system from client-server system of updating the Web system. Fiscal 2008 the Web system started a new maintenance management systems approach. In this paper, we introduce the features and functions of the new maintenance management system. KEYWORDS:MONJU, fast breeder reactor, maintenance management system, maintenance, Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
号数 |
発行年月 |
179 | 2009/ 7 |
178 | 2009/ 2 |
177 | 2008/ 7 |
176 | 2008/ 2 |
175 | 2007/ 7 |
174 | 2007/ 2 |
173 | 2006/ 7 |
172 | 2006/ 3 |
171 | 2005/11 |
170 | 2005/ 7 |