FAPIG誌 最新号目次
2012−2/平成23年度 第1号(No.183)
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目 次 ■ 報 告 ■ 解 説 ■ 紹 介 ■ 論 文 FAPIGの機構 (36) 表紙デザイン:清水郁男
CONTENTS ■ Report ■ Commentary ■ Introduction ■ Paper Cover Design:Ikuo Shimizu
SYNOPSES Morio Fujisawa, Yoshihiro Yaginuma, Genichi Katagiri, Satuki Takenaka The WM2011 Conference was convened at the Phoenix Convention Center
from February 27-March 3, 2011. The Conference was attracted leaders
representing over 40 countries, presenting 500 papers in technical sessions. KEYWORDS:waste management, resin volume reduction system Kensuke Mohri, Satoshi Suzuki, Koichiro Ezato, Yohji Seki, Mikio Enoeda All the seven parties in the ITER project had already started the program
of the manufacturing ITER components, and JAEA in Japan has been conducting
the development and trial manufacture of the components with the cooperation
of the industries. KEYWORDS:ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), in-vessel component, divertor, outer vertical target, armor tile, carbon fiber composite, tungsten, steel support structure Keisuke Fukumoto It is strongly required to provide security and safety for the people,
environment and food-staff, while it is concerned that radiation hazards
will be caused for general citizen by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident
after the Great East Japan Earthquake. KEYWORDS:security and safety, radiation hazards, radiation measurement equipment, used in the nuclear emergency (disaster) Koichi Sakurada Ebara Corporation Futtsu Plant was authorized to construct the items
with N Code Symbol Stamp by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) in accordance with the applicable rules of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code. This authorization complies with ASME Section
(Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components) and is canonical
for nuclear industry. KEYWORDS:ASME, N Code Symbol Stamp, nuclear power plant, quality assurance program Hiroshi Hamasaki Due to the earth occurred on 11th March, 2011, Japanese energy policy
needs to be reviewed substantially. Before the earthquake, nuclear power
was expected to play a major role in 1) energy security, 2) GHGs (Greenhouse
Gases) emission mitigation and 3) economic growth, but to consider current
public sentiment towards nuclear power, it is hardly to expect more
nuclear power station construction. KEYWORDS:Japan, energy policy, energy security, climate change, quantitative analysis |
号数 |
発行年月 |
182 | 2011/ 2 |
181 | 2010/ 7 |
180 | 2010/ 2 |
179 | 2009/ 7 |
178 | 2009/ 2 |
177 | 2008/ 7 |
176 | 2008/ 2 |
175 | 2007/ 7 |
174 | 2007/ 2 |
173 | 2006/ 7 |