FAPIG誌 最新号目次

2012−2/平成23年度 第1号(No.183)


目  次

■ 報  告
WM2011シンポジウムに参加して ( 3 )
藤沢盛夫 / 柳沼禎浩 / 片桐源一 / 武仲五月
国際熱核融合実験炉におけるダイバータ機器の開発 ( 7 )
毛利憲介 / 鈴木 哲 / 江里幸一郎 / 関 洋治 / 榎枝幹男

■ 解  説
2012年の経済展望 (14)

■ 紹  介
原子力防災用の放射線測定機器の紹介 (20)
荏原製作所富津工場 ASME Nスタンプ取得 (26)

■ 論  文
3.11後の電力市場 -定量的評価を用いた検討- (31)
濱崎 博

FAPIGの機構 (36)




■ Report
Report of the WM2011 Conference ( 3 )
M. Fujisawa / Y. Yaginuma / G. Katagiri / S. Takenaka
Manufacturing Activity of Divertor in the ITER Project ( 7 )
K. Mohri / S. Suzuki / K. Ezato / Y. Seki / M. Enoeda

■ Commentary
Economic Outlook for 2012 (14)
K. Miyazaki

■ Introduction
Introduction of Radiation Measurement Equipment
Used in the Nuclear Emergency(Disaster) (20)
K. Fukumoto
Authorization of ASME N Stamp by Ebara Corporation Futtsu Plant (26)
K. Sakurada

■ Paper
Electricity Market After the 3.11 -Analysis by Quantitative Evaluations- (31)
H. Hamasaki

Cover Design:Ikuo Shimizu



Morio Fujisawa, Yoshihiro Yaginuma, Genichi Katagiri, Satuki Takenaka
Report of the WM2011 Conference
FAPIG No. 183 pp.3 to 6 (2012)

The WM2011 Conference was convened at the Phoenix Convention Center from February 27-March 3, 2011. The Conference was attracted leaders representing over 40 countries, presenting 500 papers in technical sessions.
The First Atomic Power Industry Group members attended the WM2011 Conference.
Fuji electric members explained new type of resin volume reduction system FRR at the Fuji electric Booth space of the Exhibit Hall.

KEYWORDS:waste management, resin volume reduction system

Kensuke Mohri, Satoshi Suzuki, Koichiro Ezato, Yohji Seki, Mikio Enoeda
Manufacturing Activity of Divertor in the ITER Project
FAPIG No. 183 pp.7 to 13 (2012)

All the seven parties in the ITER project had already started the program of the manufacturing ITER components, and JAEA in Japan has been conducting the development and trial manufacture of the components with the cooperation of the industries.
In this paper, the trial manufactures of the outer vertical target in the ITER Divertor are presented which have been carried out by JAEA and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd..

KEYWORDS:ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), in-vessel component, divertor, outer vertical target, armor tile, carbon fiber composite, tungsten, steel support structure

Keisuke Fukumoto
Introduction of Radiation Measurement Equipment Used in the Nuclear Emergency (Disaster)
FAPIG No. 183 pp.20 to 25 (2012)

It is strongly required to provide security and safety for the people, environment and food-staff, while it is concerned that radiation hazards will be caused for general citizen by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
In order to meet the above needs, Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. has developed and delivered the radiation measurement equipment used in the nuclear emergency (disaster) by our proven technology which has been already reflected to our manufactured and delivered products.
A part of the lineup of our radiation measurement equipment developed and delivered is introduced below.

KEYWORDS:security and safety, radiation hazards, radiation measurement equipment, used in the nuclear emergency (disaster)

Koichi Sakurada
Authorization of ASME N Stamp by Ebara Corporation Futtsu Plant
FAPIG No. 183 pp.26 to 30 (2012)

Ebara Corporation Futtsu Plant was authorized to construct the items with N Code Symbol Stamp by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in accordance with the applicable rules of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This authorization complies with ASME Section (Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components) and is canonical for nuclear industry.
In this authorization system, the applicant supplying items or services is surveyed whether quality assurance program which satisfies the quality and technical requirements of ASME Code is established.
We are ready for supplying the pumps for nuclear power plants to international market by this authorization.
Scope of Authorization;
N: Construction of Class 2 & 3 vessels; Class 2 & 3 pumps, piping systems; and Class 2 & 3 shop assembly at the above location only
NPT: Class 2 & 3 fabrication without design responsibility and with design responsibility for Class 2 & 3 appurtenances and as a Material Organization supplying ferrous & nonferrous material at the above location only
NS: Class 2 & 3 fabrication without design responsibility and with design responsibility for supports at the above location only

KEYWORDS:ASME, N Code Symbol Stamp, nuclear power plant, quality assurance program

Hiroshi Hamasaki
Electricity Market After the 3.11 -Analysis by Quantitative Evaluations-
FAPIG No. 183 pp.31 to 35 (2012)

Due to the earth occurred on 11th March, 2011, Japanese energy policy needs to be reviewed substantially. Before the earthquake, nuclear power was expected to play a major role in 1) energy security, 2) GHGs (Greenhouse Gases) emission mitigation and 3) economic growth, but to consider current public sentiment towards nuclear power, it is hardly to expect more nuclear power station construction.
Under these circumstances, a variety of proposals of future Japanese energy policy have been proposed, but there is no comprehensive quantitative analysis between the proposals. This research aims to do quantitative analysis of major proposals from economic and technological point of views and contribute to the debates on future Japanese energy policies.

KEYWORDS:Japan, energy policy, energy security, climate change, quantitative analysis







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181 2010/ 7
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